become NAUI certified as both a Dry Suit diver and Deep diver in one weekend. It only makes sense to get Dry Suit certified for your deeper, colder dives in the Great Lakes and Pacific Northwest where water temperatures can plummet to the mid 40’s at only 90 feet.
Deep Lecture July 1, 2025 Dry Suit Lecture July 8, 2025 Open Water July 12 & 13, 2025
Class Tuition $499.00 per student Plus Dry Suit Seals (Combo Savings of $100.00)
Tuition Includes Two academic sessions, NAUI Deep Diver Specialty Booklet and NAUI Dry Suit Diver Specialty
Booklet, use of dry suit and thermals (during training), five local open water dives a NAUI
Deep Diver and NAUI Dry Suit Digital Certification Cards.
Prerequisites NAUI Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver Certification or equivalent.
Minimum Age 15 years of age and over
Class Size 2 - 4 students
Classroom Location Deep Six Specialists, Inc.
Open Water Location Gilboa Quarry
Student Owned Equipment Dive Lights, Surface Marker with Reel, Cutting Tool, Dive Slate, Neck and Wrist Seals for dry suit, Gloves, Mask, Snorkel, Fins.
Student Rental or Owned Equipment Regulator, BCd, Computer, Weights, Pony System with gauge and regulator and Cylinder with nitrox.
Additional Expenses Rental fees, nitrox fills (30% - 32%), quarry fees, charter fees (if applicable), parking fees, travel expenses, lodging and meals.
Other classes to consider Take your Nitrox class along with the Deep Diver / Dry Suit Combo and receive multiple certifications during the same weekend. Save time and money.
Dry Suit Lecture #1 – During this academic session the student will be fitted into dry suit thermals, a dry suit and rock boots (if required) along with a hood. The student’s wrist and neck seals will be purchased and cut to size. You will learn the basics of how the system works and review the skills that will be performed on day one of your open water. STUDENT will need to bring their fins to this session to confirm that they will fit with your dry suit.
Deep Diver Lecture #2 – Academics will include Air vs Nitrox for the Deep Diver, Gas Management, Risk and Solutions, Safety Stops and Deco Stops.
Open Water Day 1 - The student will complete a minimum of three Dry Suit dives, demonstrating the use of suit controls, how to recover from an inverted position while buoyant, simulated stuck suit valves and how to recover, demonstrate a procedure to compensate for a lost weight system and maintain a minimum volume of air in the suit to prevent suit squeeze.
Open Water Day 2 - The student will complete two deep dives (60 to 90 feet) in a dry suit. If using your own regulator for the deep dives, it must be rated for cold water (less than 50°